The modern world is a Ubiquity Machine. 

Louis Armstrong said there's only two types of music: Good and Bad. Ubiquity Machine has strong melodies, impactful and meaningful lyrics, and a modern Alt/Indie/Rock sound…. and …. If it sounds good, like Louis says, we keep it!  

The songs of Ubiquity Machine are the stories of us and our friends, of our loved ones and family, insights and infamies. Phillip Pullman wrote that "After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world" .. This is a critical ingredient in the power of a song and an important part of our craft. Maya Angelou wrote “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” . We believe the desire to communicate and be heard is central to sharing songs. We all love to dance, we love to sing and we love to share stories. 

Earmilk: "UM's... ability to defy convention and enthrall audiences, sparking a fervor that resonates far beyond the boundaries of sound"

Daniel Flores - Ed In Chief, Rolling Stone Argentina: "fun as always.. and great stuff for playlists"

Indie O'Clock: "If The Smiths and the Roiling Stones had a son it would be Ubiquity Machine"

Plastic Magazine: “Their unique sound and lyrical panache make them a standout in the music landscape”

UM's history: making music for ourselves and then we find out our friends and 'friends of friends' are listening to it when we aren't around... because they like it.... so… we decided to believe. 




LATEst Visuals from ubiquity machine

Where We Are And Where We Want To Be

Ubiquity Machine

Limited Edition Vinyl! This version of our first release was printed in 2019 with an official release planned for 2020... but... COVID hit and we took a siesta! We are releasing streaming singles and this album in the first half of 2023... but you can buy the whole thing in it's native Vinyl form anytime (or until it's sold out).

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